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Designing healthcare spaces to foster better health outcomes

A poorly designed healthcare facility can have far-reaching negative consequences, impacting both patients and staff. Inefficient layouts, stressful workflows, and lack of attention to patient comfort can lead to delays, compromised care, and a poor patient experience. Medical errors and increased risk of infections further exacerbate these challenges, while low staff morale and burnout hinder the delivery of quality care.

But it doesn't have to be this way. By adopting a thoughtful and holistic approach to healthcare design, we can create patient-centred spaces that promote better health outcomes and support the wellbeing of both patients and staff. From the layout and aesthetics to infection control measures and flexibility, there are key strategies that can make a world of difference. Keep reading to learn how you can create better healthcare spaces.

The negative impacts of poorly designed healthcare facilities

Here are just some of the ways that a poorly design space can impact patients and staff:

  • Inefficient layouts and inadequate workflow design can significantly impact the efficiency of healthcare facilities, leading to delays, bottlenecks, and increased stress for staff.

  • A poorly designed facility can result in a negative patient experience and hinder patients' healing process and overall wellbeing, leaving them feeling uncomfortable, anxious, or overwhelmed.

  • Spaces that are not well-designed can increase the risk of medical errors, which can compromise patient safety. Confusion caused by such designs can contribute to these errors.

  • When staff work in environments with inadequate amenities and limited natural light, it can create a stressful work environment that reduces job satisfaction and increases the risk of burnout.

Creating patient-centred spaces that promote better health outcomes

A thoughtful and holistic approach is needed to ensure positive patient and staff outcomes are achieved through good healthcare design. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Create environments that prioritise patients' comfort, privacy, and wellbeing. Design the space to include calming elements such as natural light, soothing colours, and pleasant artwork. Provide comfortable seating, private rooms when needed, and easily accessible amenities.

  • Optimise the facility's layout to streamline patient flow and enhance staff efficiency. Consider minimising the walking distance between frequently used areas, such as patient rooms, nursing stations, and diagnostic areas. Also, design clear pathways and use wayfinding signage to reduce confusion.

  • Incorporate design elements that support cleanliness, such as easily cleanable surfaces, proper ventilation systems, and well-organised storage. Implement strategies to reduce the spread of infections, such as appropriate room layouts and hand hygiene stations in convenient locations.

  • Design spaces that can adapt to evolving healthcare needs. Incorporate modular furniture and flexible room layouts that can accommodate changes in technology, equipment, and care delivery models. This adaptability ensures the facility can easily adjust to future requirements, reducing the need for extensive renovations or costly modifications.

  • Consider the needs and wellbeing of staff and provide comfortable and functional work areas, ergonomic furniture, and natural lighting. Create dedicated break areas and respite spaces to promote relaxation and reduce burnout. Also, invite staff to be involved in the design process to incorporate their insights and preferences.
Recognising the importance of thoughtful design in healthcare environments is crucial for providing optimal care and improving overall outcomes. By integrating these strategies into the design process, healthcare facilities can create environments that promote better patient outcomes, enhance staff satisfaction and wellbeing, and ultimately improve the overall quality of care. Learn more about Altro's healthcare solutions.
Published 22/06/2023