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LEED credit: Interiors life-cycle impact reduction

Option 2. Design for Flexibility and Disassembly (1-2 points)

Altro adhesive-free flooring products and Altro Wall panels installed with Velcro® hook and loop fasteners may qualify for this LEED credit. These products when installed per Altro’s installation guidelines can contribute to this credit as they are demountable and reusable.

The credit states that:

Conduct an integrative planning process to increase the useful life of the project space. Incorporate interior elements that facilitate space flexibility and disassembly of components throughout the service life of the building interior. Implement floor and ceiling product category strategies in the project for 1 point, or incorporate 2 or more product category strategies for 2 points, one of which must be floors & ceilings:

Altro LEED credits image
  • Floors & Ceilings (required): at least 50% of the interior space has accessible and demountable systems for both the floor and ceiling assemblies that allow for easy reconfiguration and access to systems including lighting, data, and voice. Calculate the area where both floor and ceiling components are accessible and demountable, divided by project completed floor area.
  • Nonstructural Walls: at least 50% of nonstructural walls are demountable. Calculate by surface area of nonstructural walls in the completed project.
  • Other Interior Finishes: at least 50% of finishes and accessories installed are demountable, expandable, and moveable. Calculate by surface area or completed floor or ceiling area.

For more information on the credit please visit the USGBCs LEED credit library here.

Published 30/08/2022