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4 design considerations for creating inclusive hospitals

Hospitals are like ecosystems; each area has its own unique needs and regulations to promote both physical and mental wellbeing for everyone involved. From waiting rooms and patient suites to ORs and diagnostic areas, every component incorporated into hospital interiors must be carefully considered to efficiently balance hygiene and safety benefits with aesthetics.

A well-planned design can make a significant difference in the quality of care a hospital can offer its patients, making it important to be able to identify a facility’s specific needs and deliver solutions fit-for-purpose.

Altro floors and walls installed in a hospital

Here are the 4 design considerations you need to know to create hospitals for all:

Embrace biophilic design options

Evidence-based design has shown that exposure to the natural environment and biophilic principles can facilitate treatment by alleviating anxiety in patients. Using images from settings such as parks, woods and coastlines to visualize familiar scenes and natural-looking materials can help convey a sense of calm.

Prioritize underfoot comfort

Where nursing staff in outpatient suites can spend the majority of their shifts on foot monitoring many patients at once, underfoot comfort is another factor to consider for efficient design in these spaces.

Focus on infection control

Floors and walls need to be easy to clean and maintain, helping to prevent healthcare associated infections (HAIs) and cross-infection between patients.

With the ability to thoroughly clean each space without cracks, gaps and grout harboring bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, our interior solutions can help reduce the spread of infection. They are ideal where hygiene is paramount, including in-house laboratories, pharmacies and operating suites.

Choose inherently hygienic surfaces

Growing evidence has shown that antimicrobial additives can actually create more harm than good long-term for both human health as well as the environment. In addition to pollution concerns, prolonged exposure to an antimicrobial additive or ingredient can prompt dangerous mutations in bacteria and viruses.

As a result, inherently hygienic materials such as vinyl have become the preferred alternative when considering interior finishes. Altro floor and wall products are free of antimicrobial additives, and our vinyl floors and walls help promote patient safety without detrimental impact over time.

By incorporating these four design considerations, hospitals can create environments that support the well-being of both patients and staff, ultimately enhancing the quality of care provided.

Published 30/07/2024