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Australian hospitals

Altro Whiterock White

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are under increasing pressure to maintain damaged walls caused by impacts. As hospital beds, trolleys and equipment become larger and heavier, and schedules get tighter, increasing levels of damage has become unavoidable. The damage ranges from scratches and scrapes to major holes.

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Published 02/03/2022


Introducing the Altro Whiterock sheeting was so appropriate to this scenario. It covered the obvious impact requirements, allowing the removal of the guard rails to expand the width of the service corridor. We were also able to do away with the metal and plastic corner guards that were a concern to Infection Control staff due to the dirt traps at edges, crevices and screws. Large sections of corridor become one day installations. I’m so pleased with the way Whiterock has been accepted by the hospitals. In fact, each of the hospitals that have installed Whiterock have ordered more to be done. I believe the reason that Altro Whiterock has been so well received is that at last, there is a long term answer to a major maintenance problem.