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Altro PVC welding rod

PVC welding rod for use with Altro Safety Flooring and Altro smooth flooring. These welding rods are available in a range of colours designed to blend with the floorcoverings. Unless otherwise specified matching rods and AltroMastic 100 should be used with Altro safety flooring. All sheets and tiles should be hot welded. Sold in 50 metre coils.

It is also possible to weld Altro Whiterock, Altro Whiterock Satins and Altro Whiterock Chameleon. We suggest that this should be carried out by our Altro Premier Installers. Please call us for more information.

Please find specific product data below. For our full range of technical information visit our technical documents section. For any further queries please call our Customer Care Centre on 01462 489516.

Altro weld rod MSDS