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Things to consider when selecting hospital floors and walls

Things to consider when selecting hospital floors and walls banner

Two of the most important elements in any type of construction or renovation are floors and walls. In many buildings, it all comes down to choosing products with durability and good looks. However, in a hospital setting, there is much more to think about. 

What are the most important aspects to consider? We’ve chosen a few things you should make certain to keep in mind when you are selecting flooring or walls for new construction or renovation within a hospital.
  • Durability - In a hospital, durability is a must. The floor and wall surface will need to stand up to heavy use on a day-to-day basis. Due to the environment, hospital flooring will likely be cleaned and disinfected several times a day. As such, the surface should not be damaged from cleaning materials. Prioritize surfaces that are durable, but not too harsh.
  • Safety - Choosing surfaces for hospital floors and walls that is not prone to slips is very important. Simultaneously, particular care must be given to the transition from one room to another or from a room into a hallway. This means creating thresholds that are easy to maneuver and choosing surfaces that are easy to walk on, even when the room changes.
  • Comfort - Patients and employees may spend hours in a room or office. The flooring should be comfortable for walking or standing, and the color scheme (discussed later) should be comforting to the patients.
  • Hygiene - As mentioned previously, cleanliness is paramount in a hospital setting.  Choosing floors and walls that do not hold in bacteria and other contaminants will make it much easier to keep clean and will assure a healthier environment for all. In general, smooth surfaces are easier to keep clean and hygienic, but some textured materials may work in the right environment.
  • Color - Color within a hospital is more important than you may think. Choosing soothing colors will keep patients calmer during an already stressful situation. In addition, soothing colors make for a better work experience for all employees. For example, earth tones promote stability and warmth, while greens are reminiscent of balance, healing and nature. 
  • Design - One additional thing to keep in mind when choosing floors and walls is biophilic design. Studies have shown that natural images and nature will not only improve mood, but it may help with the healing process and make employees more productive. This is biophilic design at its simplest.
As you can see, there are many things to consider when the time comes to choose healthcare floors and walls--particularly in a hospital setting. Discover in depth solutions for your hospital here.

Download the selecting floors and walls for hospitals infographic
Published 01/12/2018