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El Alfoz de Burgos

Altro Orchestra perfect for children’s area of the restaurant “El Alfoz de Burgos”

Altro Orchestra

Located a few kilometers from the Burgos capital El Alfoz de Burgos is much more than a highway restaurant. It is becoming more popular with local families thanks to its large and safe playground, where the little ones play and have fun under the watchful eye of their parents, who can enjoy the excellent food.

The children’s area has been remodeled, and among other improvements, the old carpet has been replaced by 370m² of Altro Orchestra floors in green, blue and yellow shades, giving a lively and vibrant effect and a comfortable, hygienic space that also has sound insulation to help reduce noise.

Rubén Güemes Subierna, manager of the restaurant, explains: “We had a children’s area with carpet, something that did not seem hygienic and did not give the right results. We went to a fair in Valladolid where Altro exhibited, where a salesperson showed us the product we thought was very suitable for what we needed.”

For areas where comfort and sound reduction are important, 2.85mm Altro Orchestra has been engineered to create the ideal environment. It offers comfort underfoot, while the integrated impact sound insulation system cuts impact sound by up to 15dB.

With a palette of 40 colors and designs varying from calming neutrals reflecting tones of nature, to vibrant shades, Altro Orchestra allows you to create the right atmosphere every time. It coordinates with Altro Operetta and Altro Serenade for a complete look throughout.

The installation had to be done quickly, which was an additional benefit of Altro Orchestra flooring. For Rubén Güemes the advantages are clear: “It is a very easy to clean floor. It is also durable and has a great impact absorption, which for a children’s zone is fundamental. We are very satisfied and the customers are even more satisfied. It is a highly recommended product for nurseries, playgrounds and similar establishments.”

Luis Peña Palacio, manager of the installation company Reyca Decoración, is pleased with the result of the installation. “The change has been enormous; the space has become much more attractive, cheerful and colorful for children.

Because of the structure’s large glass surface, another important aspect is the considerable reduction of noise and reverberation that Altro Orchestra provides. Also hygiene has been improved as the Altro Orchestra as it can be machine scrubbed and cleaned with disinfectants and does not acquire any type of smell. All this provides a great peace of mind.”

Published 01/01/0001