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Virgin Trains East Coast

High speed solutions from Altro

Altro transport flooring

When Virgin elected to update and replace the interior furnishing on their Pendolino trains for 52 carriages and four new trains, it made a high speed decision to work with Altro.

These high speed, tilting trains are well equipped and feature a ‘shop’ rather than the traditional buffet car. Greg Newport, from Virgin, who is responsible for specifying the flooring on this project was adamant that the chosen flooring product met slip resistance conditions stipulated by The Rail Vehicle Accessibility Regulations (RVAR).

For the original Pendolino build, the flooring installed was required to meet 0.35 CoF tested by the British Pendulum method. New trains today have to conform to new European legislation, namely Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI).

Aesthetics, cleanability and maintenance were equally as important in the decision, particularly ‘dirt hiding’ capabilities of the floor. When making their decision, Virgin understood that the floor will suffer heavy traffic and will begin to wear over time, but required it to retain its looks for as long as possible. Greg therefore chose a bespoke Altro tranport product that complemented their livery for their on-board shops.

Published 01/01/0001