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4.5mm diameter PVC welding rod supplied in 50 metre lengths on 6 inch plastic reels (labelled), individually boxed. Available in a range of colours designed to blend with the floor coverings.
Store in cool, dry conditions away from direct sunlight in original cardboard packaging, and away from liquids (bleach in particular).
After cutting in and adhering the sheet vinyl flooring, all joints must be hot welded with Altro Weldrod™, using a hot air welding gun fitted with a 5mm high speed welding nozzle. Internal and external mitres should be hot welded. After a long period of use,the filter of the welding gun may become clogged with debris. This must be kept clear to reach the optimum weld temperature. Where possible, allow 12 hours between laying and welding, to ensure the adhesive is properly set. However, when installing Altro adhesivefree flooring welding can be carried out immediately after installation as no wet adhesive is used with this system.
A 3mm groove must be cut evenly along each floor joint (except internal / external mitres) using a hand or automatic rotary grooving tool. Use of the special Altro automatic grooving blades is recommended as standard blades are quickly destroyed when used on safety flooring.
The internal and external mitres on the coved sections should be welded first. Turn the speed nozzle at the end of the welding gun to the up position, for easier starting, or use an Altro coving speed nozzle. Once the mitres are finished, turn the nozzle to the down position to hot weld the grooved floor joints.
Once the weld has cooled and set, trim the weld with the most appropriate tool such as a spatula fitted with a spatula guide or sledge. Then, using the spatula only, trim the weld flush with the surface of the flooring material. For external mitres use the square router blade and for internal mitres the round router blade. For Altro Marine™ 20 safety flooring the Altro T20 chisel has been specifically designed for removal of surplus weldrod.
For details on equipment and tools, refer to Altro’s Recommended Equipment and Tools data sheet.
Before using this product, users should refer to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for correct safety advice and to determine the level of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) that is required. A COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessment and risk assessment should be carried out before using this product.
In the case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
For further information see MSDS available from Altro.
Product for professional use.
Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this product datasheet correspond to the best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must be taken as merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical application: for this reason, anyone who intends to use the product must ensure beforehand that it is suitable for the envisaged application: in every case, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product.
NOTE: “Altro Ltd” (“Altro”) endeavours to ensure that advice and information given in Product Data Sheets, Method Statements and Material Safety Data Sheets (all known as Product Literature) is accurate and correct. However, where Altro has no control over the selection of its products for particular applications, it is important that any prospective customer, user or specifier, satisfies him / herself that the product is suitable for the intended application. In this process, due regard should be taken of the nature and composition of the background / base and the ambient conditions both at the time of laying / applying / installing / curing of the material and when the completed work is to be brought into use.
However, as site conditions and the execution of the work are beyond our control, we accept no resultant liability.
Altro’s policy is one of continuous research and development and we reserve the right to update our products and information at any time without prior notice.