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For use with all Altro safety flooring (in areas subject to spillages), and Altro materials which can be bonded to Altro Everlay™ underlayment.
AltroFix 19 Plus is a solvent and water-free, two-part polyurethane adhesive supplied in the correct quantities for mixing. Both A and B parts are held within the container. Supplied in 1.5kg, 3kg, and 6kg units.
Subfloors and site conditions - must conform with BS 8203:2017,
AltroFix 19 Plus can be used on dry, dust-free subfloors such as sand/cement, flooring grade asphalt (flooring grade 1 to BS 6925:1988), granolite, plywood, chipboard, hardboard, metal and epoxy surfaces, damp-proof membranes and power float concrete. It is important that the subfloor is as smooth as possible, any undulation may cause pockets of adhesive to form bubbles in the floor covering.
Part A is a viscous paste. Part B is a fluid liquid supplied in silver foil sachets. Stir part A thoroughly. Transfer part B into large container holding part A and mix thoroughly until a uniform consistency is obtained throughout. A drill with a paddle attachment should be used to ensure complete mixing. Scrape sides thoroughly during this process. Care should be taken to avoid spillage when mixing, as staining of the floor surface may occur.
Apply adhesive to subfloor only, as soon as possible before adhesive thickens (within 15-20 minutes of mixing, depending on temperature). Spread evenly with a notched trowel. It is important to use a small notched trowel to avoid entrapment of air between the floor covering and subfloor. Place floor covering into wet adhesive, do not roll, and expel all trapped air with the use of a flat wooden or Perspex trowel, wrapped in a soft textile material which has been pre-wetted. Limit trafficking of the floorcovering when the adhesive is still fresh. If any corners, joints or edges are lifting while the adhesive is setting, these must be weighted. Leave weight undisturbed and the floorcovering traffic free until the adhesive has set. Where this procedure is not followed, special care should be taken to check all joints etc, before leaving site for the day.
AltroFix 19 Plus component B is hazardous if inhaled. It also may irritate the skin, the eyes and the respiratory apparatus, and may cause allergic reactions in those subjects predisposed. Before using this adhesive, users should refer to the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for correct safety advice and to determine the level of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) that is required. A COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessment and risk assessment should be carried out before using this adhesive. Apply the product in well ventilated areas. In the case of accidents, or a feeling of nausea, or contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water seek medical attention. For further information see SDS available from Altro. Product for professional use.
As from 24 August 2023 adequate training is required before industrial or professional use.
Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this product datasheet correspond to the best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must be taken as merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical application: for this reason, anyone who intends to use the product must ensure beforehand that it is suitable for the envisaged application: in every case, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product.
Technical Data (typical values)
NOTE: “Altro Ltd” (“Altro”) endeavours to ensure that advice and information given in Product Data Sheets, Method Statements and Material Safety Data Sheets (all known as Product Literature) is accurate and correct. However, where Altro has no control over the selection of its products for particular applications, it is important that any prospective customer, user or specifier, satisfies him / herself that the product is suitable for the intended application. In this process, due regard should be taken of the nature and composition of the background / base and the ambient conditions both at the time of laying / applying / installing / curing of the material and when the completed work is to be brought into use.
However, as site conditions and the execution of the work are beyond our control, we accept no resultant liability.
Altro’s policy is one of continuous research and development and we reserve the right to update our products and information at any time without prior notice.