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Norwood Care Centre, Canada


The Gene Zwozdesky Centre at Norwood Care is a new, state-of-the-art centre focused on excellence in continuing care. The centre includes over 350 complex and continuing care, post-acute and hospice beds, complex respiratory care, hemodialysis and ambulatory clinics, a specialty dental clinic and outpatient support services.


The centre aims to create spaces that support choice and independence in a safe and secure setting, with well-being and safety at the forefront. Through close collaboration between Altro and the local distributor, Erv Parent Co. Ltd, products were selected based on technical requirements for each area, finding a balance between aesthetics and performance to create safe, healing environments.


Designers at Dialog specified Altro Whiterock for the areas that required critical hygiene, meeting the standards for Alberta Health Service’s Infection Prevention and Control teams.

Altro Fortis Titanium was selected for areas prone to scrapes and knocks. The lightly textured surface camouflages scuffs, keeping the wall area looking better for longer.

Altro Whiterock Chameleon was selected as a backdrop in patient wards, adding vibrant hues while providing hygienic protection.

Altro Whiterock Whiteboard was specified for the nurse’s station and patient rooms, allowing seamless communication among staff and patients.

Altro Whiterock Digiclad (Custom) was selected to bring biophilic principles to patient areas.

In the kitchen, Altro Stronghold 30 safety floor was chosen for its exceptional slip resistance and comfort underfoot.

Altro Whiterock White is our proven, high performance, hygienic alternative to ceramic tiles.

Altro Fortis Titanium provides durable protection for walls, doors, and corners.

Bold and glossy Altro Whiterock Chameleon provides glamour, durability, and hygiene in high end public areas.

Altro Whiterock Whiteboard is a wall mounted note board to capture non-permanent ideas. Dry wipe clean for repeated use. Durable and easy to clean.

For customisable print, Altro Whiterock Digiclad (Custom) is great for feature walls, logos and to aid with signage.

Altro Stronghold 30 achieves Altro’s highest rating for slip resistance (PTV ≥55, R12) and is designed to minimise risk in wet and greasy conditions for the lifetime of the flooring.

Download the PDF to see products used in the photos and recommendations

Published 11/03/2024


I am so excited to be here in our new home. I am happy – it feels like home.

The Gene Zwozdesky Centre will be a place that brings together different types and levels of care into one, integrated community.