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Palocortado, Málaga, Spain

Altro flooring chosen for Palocortado restaurant

Altro Ensemble


The city of Málaga needed to update its gastronomic offerings, both at a local and culinary level. As a result, a business group undertook a venture of bringing back and capturing a style of cuisine and a few years ago the Palocortado restaurant was launched. The restaurant is a benchmark in the Andalusian city, maintaining the original values of Palocortado: offering the highest quality produce and food in a traditional kitchen with exceptional staging and service.


The restaurant needed to create an environment in which the client can experience an unbeatable gastronomic experience.

Palocortado looked for a floor that would give coherence to all areas of the restaurant: that could combine with the restaurants classic design and that was quick to install and easy to maintain.

The partners of Palocortado said "It is essential to take care of every little detail, both in the kitchen and outside of it."


New Altro Ensemble modular Flooring system was chosen for Palocortado.

“We have been able to achieve an aesthetic continuity in all the spaces by combining different materials and different settings in an integrated discourse. The wood design complements the identity of this space, providing 15db of sound reduction, its ease of cleaning and its durability in the face of very high traffic," explains Paco Lago from the Interior Design Studio responsible for the project.

Looks great with:

Altro Whiterock Satins
Altro Whiterock wall designs
Altro Whiterock Digiclad (Custom)

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Published 13/12/2018


Altro offers customer satisfaction, trust, reliability, advice and problem solving.

Altro differs from the rest of the floors in the market, mainly due to the comfort underfoot and sound reduction, fundamental in a restaurant. Aesthetically the result is spectacular.