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Note; A smooth, gloss floor surface offers limited slip resistance. Entrances should be fitted with matting to remove moisture to aid safety and to remove dust/debris to protect the gloss finish. In common with other high-gloss finishes, a resin floor finish may scratch and can require additional polish or surface dressings for ongoing protection, subject to customer requirements and environment.
By the use of three coats of metallised maintenance coating, such as AltroGloss 211 the high gloss finish can be maintained. The installing resin contractor may offer this service.
Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove dust and debris.
If the floor is to be washed; dilute a neutral detergent, by 1:40 in clean water. Liberally apply the water and detergent solution to the floor, using a slow-speed (<400rpm) scrubbing machine and white soft-medium pad or a soft-bristle brush.
Allow the detergent solution to remain on the floor for several minutes, to break down deposits, but not sufficiently long to allow it to evaporate. (Exercise due caution on smooth surfaces when wet).
Remove the detergent solution by wet vacuum recovery and follow this with a fresh water rinse, also removed by vacuum. It is important that all detergent residue is removed from the surface of the floor, because detergent can become slippery, which affects safety, or may remain sticky which attracts and holds more dirt. If the acrylic emulsion surface dressing has been removed, re-instate this protective measure as above.
When the floor is not to be washed; regularly spray burnish with a cleaner-maintainer, such as Altro 48W, using a high speed buffing machine to maintain gloss and disguise microscratching. The acrylic emulsion polish should be removed at intervals which will become apparent and depend upon usage and maintenance. Use an alkaline detergent such as Altro 44 diluted by part in 20 with water, and lightly abrade the floor surface with black coloured stripping pads on a slow-speed <400rpm cleaning machine. Re-apply the acrylic-emulsion dressing and continue as above.
The frequency and degree of cleaning required will be determined by several factors:
The resin flooring should be swept clear of debris, then thoroughly cleaned using Altro 44 detergent (or similar) diluted at between 1:20 and 1:40 with clean water and agitated with a hand-held deck scrubber or mechanical scrubbing machine (using brushes).
The detergent solution should remain on the floor for several minutes to allow it to break-down contamination, it should be agitated by scrubbing during this time, and then should be removed by wet-vacuum pick-up.
Immediately following the initial scrubbing, the floor should be rinsed and scrubbed with the fresh clean water (no detergent). When this has been completed the water should again be removed by wet-vacuum pick-up. Allow the floor to dry. Any residues of detergent not recovered will form a tacky surface layer which will attract and hold more dirt.
In some circumstances the customer may decide to use a high solids acrylic-emulsion surface dressing as a barrier layer to ease cleaning. It should be noted that this will also reduce the surface texture and therefore the slip-resistance of the floor finish. In these cases, three coats of the acrylic emulsion dressing are often mop-applied before the final coat is buffed to a gloss finish.
When surface dressings are applied, the control of slip resistance rests with those who determine cleaning regime and choose the application of surface dressings. Effective entrance matting will usually reduce the need for cleaning. Although resin flooring is very durable and resists many chemicals, some cleaning agents may shorten their service life. Given the relevant data sheets Altro will offer advice and guidance on the suitability of cleaning materials throughout the life of your flooring.
Note; A textured floor surface may have been selected to offer safety in wet areas. The texture of a slip-resistant surface will require mechanised cleaning or the use of a long-handled scrubbing brush, mop cleaning will not be effective.
The frequency and degree of cleaning required will be determined by several factors:
Sweep or vacuum the floor if required to remove debris. Dilute an alkaline detergent such as Altro 44 or similar, by 1:40 in clean water (for normal cleaning) or by 1:20 for infrequent heavy cleaning. If required, clean wall surfaces and equipment before cleaning the floor.
Warm water will offer improved cleaning but the water temperature should not exceed 60°C.
Liberally apply the water and detergent solution to the floor, scrubbing with a stiff-bristle deck scrubber or slow-speed (<400rpm) scrubbing machine. Take care not to splash contaminated water onto adjacent clean surfaces.
Be sure to scrub all internal corners of the perimeter coves, around columns etc., where residues may accumulate. If possible, allow the detergent solution to remain on the floor for several minutes, to break down deposits, but not sufficiently long to allow it to evaporate.
Remove the solution by wet vacuum recovery and follow this with a fresh water rinse, or rinse the solution into drains if permissible.
It is important that all detergent residue is removed from the textured surface of the floor, by thorough rinsing, because detergent can become slippery which affects safety, or sticky which attracts and holds more dirt.
Note - Steam cleaners and/or hot pressure cleaners should not be used on the floor or walls without prior consultation. A cold/ambient pressure washer may be used if required, but the pressure should not exceed 1400psi. Pressure lances may move deposits from the floor to wall surfaces.
Although resin flooring is very durable and resists many chemicals, some cleaning agents may shorten their service life. Given the relevant data sheets Altro will offer advice and guidance on the suitability of cleaning materials throughout the life of your flooring.
Note; A textured floor surface may have been selected to offer safety in wet areas. The texture of a slip-resistant surface will require mechanised cleaning or the use of a long-handled scrubbing brush, mop cleaning will not be effective.
The frequency and degree of cleaning required will be determined by several factors:
Sweep or vacuum the floor if required to remove debris. Dilute an alkaline detergent such as Altro 44 or similar, by 1:40 in clean water (for normal cleaning) or by 1:20 for infrequent heavy cleaning. If required, clean wall surfaces and equipment before cleaning the floor.
Liberally apply the water and detergent solution to the floor, scrubbing with a stiff-bristle deck scrubber or slow-speed (<400rpm) scrubbing machine. Take care not to splash contaminated water onto adjacent clean surfaces.
Be sure to scrub all internal corners of the perimeter coves, around columns etc., where residues may accumulate.
If possible, allow the detergent solution to remain on the floor for several minutes, to break down deposits, but not sufficiently long to allow it to evaporate.
Remove the solution by wet vacuum recovery and follow this with a fresh water rinse, or rinse the solution into drains if permissible.
It is important that all detergent residue is removed from the textured surface of the floor, by thorough rinsing, because detergent can become slippery which affects safety, or sticky which attracts and holds more dirt.
Note - Steam cleaners and/or hot pressure cleaning lances should not be left switched on when laid on the floor surface.
A cold/ambient pressure washer may be used if required, but the pressure should not exceed 1400psi. Pressure lances may move deposits from the floor to wall surfaces.
Although resin flooring is very durable and resists many chemicals, some cleaning agents may shorten their service life. Given the relevant data sheets Altro will offer advice and guidance on the suitability of cleaning materials throughout the life of your flooring.
NOTE: “Altro Limited” (“Altro”) endeavours to ensure that advice and information given in Product Data Sheets, Method Statements and Material Safety Data Sheets (all known as Product Literature) is accurate and correct. However, where Altro has no control over the selection of its products for particular applications, it is important that any prospective customer, user or specifier, satisfies him/herself that the product is suitable for the intended application. In this process, due regard should be taken of the nature and composition of the background/base and the ambient conditions both at the time of laying/applying/installing/curing of the material and when the completed work is to be brought into use. However, as site conditions and the execution of the work are beyond our control, we accept no resultant liability.
Altro’s policy is one of continuous research and development and we reserve the right to update our products and information at any time without prior notice.