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Altro safety flooring cleaning guide

Recommended cleaning methods

  • Altro Stronghold 30
  • Altro Aquarius
  • Altro Pisces
  • Altro Marine 20
  • Altro Classic 25
  • Altro Reliance 25
  • Altro Atlas 40
  • Altro Suprema
  • Altro Wood adhesive-free
  • Altro Wood
  • Altro Wood Comfort
  • Altro Walkway 20
  • Altro Walkway 20 SD
  • Altro Impressionist II
  • Altro XpressLay adhesive-free
  • Altro ContraX
  • Altro Stronghold 30 adhesive-free
  • Altro Illustra
  • Altro Illustra adhesive-fre
Last edited: October 2023


 Manual  Mechanical

(The dilution rate depends upon how dirty the floor is and the concentrate used (see separate AltroClean 44 and 44+ data sheets for further information).

  1. Sweep up dust and dirt, remove large debris.
  2. Using a microfibre mop apply a solution of AltroClean 44™ or equivalent alkaline cleaner to the floor in the correct dilution and leave for several minutes.
  3. Scrub with a deck scrubber or the Altro UniPad cleaning pad attached to a multi mop handle.
  4. Rinse the floor with warm clean water, removing the dirty water from the floor with a microfibre mop and allow to dry. Use a double bucket to ensure that the floor is rinsed well with clean water.

(The dilution rate depends upon how dirty the floor is and the concentrate used (see separate AltroClean 44 and 44+ data sheets for further information).

  1. Vacuum up dust and dirt, remove large debris.
  2. Apply a solution of AltroClean 44™ or equivalent alkaline cleaner in the correct dilution and leave for several minutes.
  3. Mechanically scrub using a rotary cleaning machine fitted with an Altro UniPad cleaning pad or similar cleaning pad of the correct size.
  4. Wet vacuum the residue and then using a microfibre mop rinse the floor with warm clean water and vacuum dry.

For Altro Marine™ 20, normally used in showers or for pool surrounds, a deck scrubber or brush scrubber is recommended rather than pads or mops, but a special cleaner may be required occasionally to remove hardened lime deposits.

Altro Walkway™ 20SD, for general maintenance use a neutral cleaner. Aggressive cleaning or the use of polishes may affect the static dissipative properties.

Failure to maintain Altro flooring in accordance with recommended procedure can affect the performance of the product. Further information is available from Altro. Please ensure you have the health and safety data sheet for any cleaner you intend to use. In the event of any queries our Technical Services Department will be pleased to advise you.

Where Altro safety flooring is not required to provide maximum slip resistance, the flooring may be maintained in a manner similar to smooth vinyl flooring, by applying a metallised emulsion polish. However, this will reduce slip resistance in the areas concerned and it is the responsibility of the building owner to assess the appropriate level of slip resistance in all cases.

Tips for successful maintenance of Altro flooring

Before using any cleaning chemical, users should refer to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for correct safety advice and to determine the level of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) that is required. A COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) assessment and risk assessment should be carried out before using the cleaning chemical. In the case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

  1. Develop a regular cleaning programme suited to the usage and traffic of the area – heavily trafficked or highly visible areas need to be cleaned more often than areas which are seldom used, or where appearance is less important. The best and most cost effective method of cleaning Altro safety flooring is by machine.

    Care should be taken to select the correct pad: Altro UniPad or medium pads for Altro safety flooring.

    For Altro Marine™ 20, use nylon or polypropylene brushes. Remember that dirty equipment, particularly mops, does not clean but merely redistributes the dirt.

  2. Use recommended cleaning chemicals – use only recommended cleaning liquids or their equivalent in the correct concentration. Do not mix cleaning liquids, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Always check the suitability of cleaners for use on vinyl floors. Do not use cleaner containing pine oil.
  3. Remove scuff marks regularly – to remove any rubber heel marks by abrasion use the correct machine pad, or scrub by hand, using scouring powder. For areas requiring renovation due to neglect or heavy soiling consult Altro Technical Services.
  4. Protect newly laid floors – all newly laid safety floor surfaces should be covered and protected from all other trades during the contract with a suitable non staining protective covering.

General notes concerning staining

Some materials are known to cause staining on vinyl floors. Typical examples include:

  • Asphalt and bitumen materials
  • Cardboard / Hardboard (wet)
  • Transfer of some fire treatments and maintenance materials used on carpets
  • Dyes from printed literature or packaging
  • Rubber-backed carpets and rubber mats
  • Rubber furniture rests and trolley wheels
  • Shoe soles not made from non-staining materials
  • Heat degradation
  • Some chemicals used in cleaners e.g. pine oil
  • Poster paints and powder paints

High quality cleaning chemicals and equipment ensure efficient maintenance and represent only a small proportion of maintenance costs.

For companies who recommend their own products and equipment for cleaning Altro floors, please refer to the individual Altro approved cleaning and maintenance product and equipment guides for further details.

Published 01/01/0001