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In the past, Altro used to recommend a maximum figure for underfloor heating of 30°C without any reported problems. However, due to the concerns of flooring manufacturers that some underfloor heating systems could operate at up to 35°C, the following guidelines were agreed by the UK Resilient Flooring Manufacturers, of which Altro is a member, and should be followed;
Failure to follow these guidelines can result in the floor covering de-bonding, joints opening, and on some occasions discolouring. All of which can occur within a long or short period of time.
Altro adhesive-free flooring can be installed over underfloor heating which has been commissioned in accordance with BS 8203:2017, and switched off for a period of 48 hours prior to commencement of installation. Upon completion of the flooring installation, the underfloor heating is switched on and gradually increased in temperature over a number of days by 5 degrees per day until the desired temperature is reached. The temperature should not exceed the floor covering industry agreed maximum of 27°C at the underside of the floor covering.
If the heating has not been commissioned, upon completion of the flooring installation the underfloor heating should be switched on and gradually increased in temperature over a number of days by 5 degrees per day until the desired temperature is reached. The temperature again should not exceed the floor covering industry agreed maximum of 27°C at the underside of the floor covering.
NOTE: “Altro Ltd” (“Altro”) endeavours to ensure that advice and information given in Product Data Sheets, Method Statements and Material Safety Data Sheets (all known as Product Literature) is accurate and correct. However, where Altro has no control over the selection of its products for particular applications, it is important that any prospective customer, user or specifier, satisfies him / herself that the product is suitable for the intended application. In this process, due regard should be taken of the nature and composition of the background / base and the ambient conditions both at the time of laying / applying / installing / curing of the material and when the completed work is to be brought into use.
However, as site conditions and the execution of the work are beyond our control, we accept no resultant liability.
Altro’s policy is one of continuous research and development and we reserve the right to update our products and information at any time without prior notice.