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Altro Screed 4mm slip-resistant

For areas where there is an increased risk of slipping choose from the 3mm slip-resistant variant, 4mm slip-resistant variant and the 6mm slip-resistant variant. These variants have slip-resistant aggregates incorporated into their seal coats.

Technical summary

FeRFA type6
Nominal thickness4mm
Warranty10 years
Life expectancy:15 years
Impact resistanceGood
Wear characteristicsMedium - heavy duty
Slip resistancePTV≥40
Service temperature0°C - 60°C
Chemical resistanceModerate
icons.10_yr_guarantee icons.PTV40

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In general, flooring will follow the profile of the underlying substrate. The surface profile may be reflected in thinner resin flooring types. This will affect the appearance and wear. (FeRFA types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)

It is possible to cove with the Altro Screed variants.

Dark coloured Altro Screed variants will highlight any defects such as roller lines and scratches.

The samples we send are to demonstrate colour and finish only. and may not be the thickness noted above. If you require a specific sample, please contact us.

For medium to heavy duty areas where there is an increased risk of slipping.

Typical applications include:

  • dining
  • PE changing areas
  • laboratories
  • laundries
  • custodial areas
  • canteens
  • retail
  • entrance areas