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Altro Screed™ Resolve

Altro Screed Resolve is a three-part solvent-free un-pigmented epoxy resin screed containing neutral hard wearing durable aggregates. Altro Screed Resolve is designed to be overcoated using a range of Altro Resin coloured floor seals and coatings to produce an impervious high strength floor finish with a good level of chemical resistance.

Typical areas of use:

  • Manufacturing areas
  • Retail front / back of house
  • Commercial corridors
  • Vehicle showrooms
  • Schools
  • Dry storage areas
  • Packing areas


  • Good slip resistance
  • Can be laid to falls
  • Coveable
  • Can be used for localised repairs
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Fully bonded to the substrate
  • Excellent impact and abrasion resistance
  • Provides seamless floor finish (substrate joints must be cut through)

Please find specific product data below. For our full range of technical information visit our technical documents section. For any further queries please call our Customer Care Centre on 01462 489516.

Altro Screed Resolve technical data sheet

Altro Screed Resolve base MSDS

Altro Screed Resolve hardener MSDS

Altro Screed Resolve aggregate MSDS