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Mopping it up - keeping public transport clean

Guest blog by Autoglym Connect, the public service vehicle division of Autoglym Professional

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, public transport usage in the UK dropped by over 95%.

Of course, much of that was due to the fact that people were advised not to travel, but in a world where today we are living with very few restrictions, public transport usership is still much lower than pre-pandemic levels.

Whilst some of this can be attributed to people working from home on a more frequent or permanent basis, the rise in car usage and escalation of used car prices shows that there are also other factors in play where people simply don't want to catch the bus at all.

And according to a survey of current and lapsed bus users carried out by Intelligent Transport UK in 2021, one of the most significant reasons why people choose not to travel by bus is a perceived lack of cleanliness. This means that bus operators have to be much more focused in their approach to making bus usage more reassuring for customers.

And that's where Autoglym Connect can really help. While sanitisation is the most important factor for protecting public health, bus and train users’ perception is equally important - and that's where simple things such as stains and spillages can be really off-putting.

Common spillages on public transport include coffee, soft drinks and food stains, quite often because commuters see the time that they spend aboard a bus or a train as an opportunity to grab their breakfast, or a quick snack. Alas, quite frequently they leave traces of it behind and this can be unpleasant for future passengers.

Luckily, Autoglym Connect has a product that can be used across all of these, and the beauty of it is that it can be used on every single surface from the floors, walls and plastic finishes of a bus, train or coach to the fabric and carpets.

Autoglym Professional Extra Deep Clean is formulated especially to clean and sanitise surfaces and when used at a dilution rate of 30:1 and applied via a sponge applicator, it should be good enough to lift spillage stains out of fabrics with consummate ease.

At a slightly more concentrated rate of 20:1, it can also be used on vehicle floors leaving a clean, stain-free and sanitary environment for all public transport users.

Contact Autoglym Connect for help and support on keeping your bus and train vehicles clean, hygienic and looking great.

Published 28/02/2022