


Samples basket

Lazzeri Creative Interiors

Highly commended for:

The design of El Mexicana, Chelmsford, using:

Altro Ensemble, Altro Whiterock Digiclad (Custom)

Harriet Lazzeri has created the look and feel of a Mexican taberna with every part of this design. And while each element is very different, the consistent use of colour brings it all together in one look. The Altro Ensemble flooring, in a herring bone design and three contrasting colours, is striking and unique while the use of Altro Whiterock Digiclad (Custom) emulates traditional tiles but its graphics have the look of tapestry – retaining a rustic feel with their simple, stencilled style. The use of ochre in the wall design mirrors the wood tones of the table and lower walls – it’s carefully consistent despite the multiple colours, textures and patterns used overall. And the use of rounded metal chairs, and the rustic table tops and lower walls complete the look.