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Tapper Interiors Ltd and Ideal Flooring (Oxford) Ltd

Awarded an Altro Design Recognition Award for:

The design of Tapper Interiors’ showroom, Banbury, using:

Altro Ensemble

Tapper Interiors’ new space is warm, welcoming and exciting to visit. To showcase the extent of their design expertise, they have used an unusual combination of design features: African elements plus Spanish and ethnic touches sit alongside a British seaside-look. This cultural syncretism – blending distinct cultures to create something new – is hugely impactful. The use of modernist clean, sharp lines and glass, Victorian-style tiles, as well as wood, shows different materials at their best while creating distinct zones within the showroom. Ideal Flooring suggested Altro Ensemble would fit the need for an ‘ocean-worn’ wood-effect floor and the effect is striking. It sits alongside real wood fittings, blending in perfectly, showing the right wood-look LVT can absolutely compete.