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Ibidem restaurant, Arnuero, Spain

Award-winning chef chooses Altro for new restaurant in historic Cantabria

Altro Whiterock White


Ibidem restaurant can be found within the old Palacio de Armas de Alvear, an historical house, built between the 18th and 19th centuries. It’s situated in the village of Castillo Siete Villas (Seven Villas Castle) in Arnuero, Cantabria.

Ibidem is a new restaurant, opened by award-winning chef Rubén Abascal. Abascal is known for his original desserts, including chocolate chess pieces and creations using liquid nitrogen. When it came to creating his new restaurant, he turned to Eugenio González and Beatriz Varea, architects from the BE2Arq studio.


The restaurant needed a kitchen that would look both attractive and professional to customers, however, food safety had to be a priority. To find a walls solution that would meet these needs, the architects contacted Altro.

“This work is the final step in fulfilling my dream of having my own restaurant, and this meant using the best quality materials”, explains Rubén Abascal. “Although the restaurant is set within an 18th century Cantabrian house, we needed a wall solution that could create a modern look and feel.”


To meet the needs of this new enterprise, Altro Whiterock White, a hygienic and impact-resistant alternative to tiles was chosen. With no joins, it creates a smooth surface from floor to ceiling, making cleaning easier and giving bacteria nowhere to hide. It can also be thermoformed to perfectly fit windows, again with no joins, ideal for Ibidem’s kitchen, which has deep-set windows.

Luis Peña chose Altro Whiterock without hesitation: “For the end user the advantage are durability, safety, hygiene and cleanability. For contractors, the benefits are speed of installation and a spectacular finish with hardly any dust, plus hours in saved time, compared with other materials. We are happy with the result and would definitely recommend it.”

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Published 21/11/2019


Everyone is very satisfied with the result. Without a doubt I would recommend Altro Whiterock for this type of installation.

When you are part of a project headed by someone who puts so much passion into every detail of his restaurant, like Rubén Abascal, you have an increased responsibility, and know that you cannot fail. The work of our team has been exceptional.