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Altro Possibilites Studio Letchworth

We work in partnership with you to design rooms that best meet the needs of mental health service users, taking into account that each person has unique needs and behaviours.

Continual research helps us to identify best practices and full room solutions that reduce stress and contribute to creating safe environments for service users and staff.

What you will find

The studio is comprised of nine separate bays, each of them with a unique combination of interior finishes and detailing, all of them designed with the unique challenges of high secure mental health units in mind.

Entrance to the Altro Possibilities Studio

How to visit the Altro Possibilities Studio

If you are interested in visiting the studio to find out more about our solutions for mental health environments, please contact your local Altro consultant.

If visiting the Altro Possibilities Studio isn’t an option for you, join Customer Engagement Specialist Ron Austin, who will take you through why the studio was developed and talk you through each bay.

Alternatively, please email or call us on +44(0)1462 489516 to find out more.