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Middle East, North Africa and India

Altro Mosaic standard matt

The standard matt variant provides a glazed, matt finish. It has a full blind of multi-coloured acrylic flakes in a coloured Altro Tect standard variant, sealed with three coats of the clear Altro Tect standard variant, and a final coat of Altro Seal water-based matt which is a polyurethane resin seal.

Technical summary

FeRFA type4
Nominal thickness1 - 1.5mm
Guarantee6 years
Life expectancy:8 years
Impact resistanceLimited
Wear characteristicsMedium - heavy duty
Slip resistance-
Service temperature0°C - 60°C
Chemical resistanceModerate

Resin product range variants

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In general, flooring will follow the profile of the underlying substrate. The surface profile may be reflected in thinner resin flooring types. This will affect the appearance and wear. (FeRFA types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)

The samples we send are to demonstrate colour and finish only. and may not be the thickness noted above. If you require a specific sample, please contact us.

For medium duty areas where there is a low risk of slipping.

Typical applications include:

  • atria
  • reception areas
  • corridors
  • communal areas