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Getting a taste for office work at Altro

A recent statistic from the ONS showed that 15.6% of young people aged 17 and 18 dream of working in the art and culture, entertainment or the sport sector, and 51% of those showed no interest in any other sector. I think that there is a simple explanation for this. Young people, like me, seem to have been programmed through the media to view office-based jobs as being dull, repetitive, and even more boring than school. Take the TV series “The Office” for example, where there is an emphasis on the misery of being in an office with unfriendly people. It is no surprise, therefore, that it is incredibly rare to find a teenager who declares at their school’s Careers Workshop, “I’d like to work in an office”!

This perception of working in an office could easily be changed if more young people had work experience in an office environment, in a field that interests them. My time so far, doing work experience in the Marketing department at Altro, has been brilliant! Meeting with many people from the Marketing team has given me a really good insight into how it is essential for everyone to work together in order to produce the best relationship with the customers.

Receiving an overview of many of the different roles in Marketing, including Market Research, Events, Communications and Web Design, makes me so excited about the different aspects to the broad term of “Marketing” that I could get involved in. Not only have I learnt about how the Marketing team is divided into different responsibilities, but also, I have found that each person I’ve spoken to, whilst learning about their career, has been so friendly and happy to answer any questions that I have.

It is impossible for young people to have any awareness of the future job that they should work towards if they don’t have work experience. I am so grateful that I’ve been given this opportunity to meet so many amazing people at Altro and learn about their careers. Although I knew about Marketing as a general area, I was not aware of the existence of many of the roles that I’ve discovered so far whilst at Altro. I think that the solution to stopping young people from struggling with decisions around their future career is work experience.

From my visit so far, the Market Research side of Marketing has captured my interest and it’s certainly something that I’d like to explore further. I have also gained a deeper understanding of the various jobs in Marketing, and it has given me confidence that it is an area of business that I find interesting and would thoroughly enjoy.

Published 19/07/2022